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Thank you.

Time has, as usual, gotten away from us. As I sit here with Seiya - grinning - in my arms, I am recalling all of the people who attended Seiya's event and supported our little family. Our family, extended family, friends, and new friends and acquaintances. I was able to speak with a lot of you and thank in person during or after the event, but there are some people who I have not been able to contact still. That said, to all of you I did want to update with something and hopefully get back to some kind of regular cadence in the new year. Without further ado:

We reached our goal!

It truly is all thanks to those of you who came out and supported us in one form or another that we were able to do so of course, and we'd also like to take another chance to thank Sul Irmaos for providing the food, Buck or Two Plus for providing the cutlery, tablecloths, etc., and New Persona for providing one of our raffle grand prizes.

And most of all, MOST OF ALL... a humongous THANK YOU to Day Events for pushing us to do this, coordinating the entire thing and putting untold amounts of time and sweat into making it such a success. We definitely could not have done any of it without you. To anyone with an event coming up or in mind for the future:

To those who donated other prizes for the raffle, or contributed through support, thank you very much from all of us.

The event itself was tremendous fun! Beyond being awestruck at the sheer amount of people who attended (twice as many as we had planned for!) we were so overjoyed to see everyone playing games together and just talking with each other. I'm pretty sure a few new friendships were made between people too.

On a personal note, a lot of you who attended I hadn't seen in such a long time so that was a real treat for me. We all had a great time, and I think the highlight of the entire event for me was accomplishing the goal of being able to give something to people that were coming to give to us as well.

Okay, so what does this mean for Seiya?

I think you'll be delighted to know that we are back on track for 2018 with regards to his nursing and needs, and Seiya himself after his last surgery is so far doing very well. He has even started walking! More about that in another post though. Thanks to this event Seiya will be able to thrive even more this coming year. We are already anticipating getting out of the house more and with his strength, your help and a bit of luck, it probably wouldn't be a stretch to say that Seiya himself will be able to come along on some trips to see YOU and say thanks himself!

From our family to you and yours, thank you so much for making Seiya's Game Day so special and rewarding, and allowing us to achieve our goals and start 2018 off right!

Pictures of the event to follow. In fact, if you or anyone you know took pictures and wouldn't mind sharing them with us, we'd love to have them! Please get in touch.


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